N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 141 results.
Trade unions
- Trade Unions
- State Teamsters chief says organizing work to continue. N&O, Dec-29-1957, I 3:6
Trade unions
- Labor demands probe of reported beating. N S 0,Fe-12-1959,' 1:1
- Action asked in two N.C. beat:ng cases. Fe-26-1959, 1:5
- Rail workers must join, says court in union case. Fe-26-1959, 1:7
- Anti-union bill draws heavy fire. Mar-4-1959, S:4
- Labor head charges police harassment at Clinton. Aor-8-1959, 12:2
Trade unions
- Anti-union measure gets House approval. N&O, May-20-1959, 1:1
- Bill baring policemen, firemen from unions is passed by House. May-21-1959) 1:6
- Hoffa's ghost helps anti-union bill along. June-3-1959, 3:2
- Bill banning unions for firemen, policemen passed by Assembly. June-4-1959, 1:6
Trade unions
- Here's the reason Wilson (N.C.) Swift workers need a union I N&O, Jl-1-1959, 12:1
- Two strikes on North Carolina labor. Aug-2-
- 1959, HI 1:1
- You can't raise bananas in Watauga, by Gerald W. Johnson. Aug-9-1959, HI 1?1
- A chain of hopes linked with failures, by Roy Parker, Jr. Aug-9-1959, HI 11
Trade unions
- Raleigh Central Labor Union forming Women's group. N&O, Jan-23-63, 3:1
- Teamster officers win another round in Charlotte. Jan-25-63, 11:1
- C20 drive organizer appointed. Feb-12-63, 15:6
- Bead drawn on Teamsters. Mar-14-63, 33:2
- AFL-CIO hits attempt to repeal inventory tax.
- Ap-2-63, 5:4
- Back bill to halt $5 piggy-back fee. Ap-lO-63,
- 6:6
Trade unions
- 'Piggyback1 fee killed by Assembly. N&O, Ap-19-63, 12:1
- Tar Heel labor chiefs told of union benefit.
- Aug-3-63, 14:4
- AFL-CIO convention set Monday in Asheville.
- Sept-15-63, I 8:5
- Hours slash urged by AFL-CIO prexy. Sept-17-
- 63, 3:1
- Human element left out of automation union
- leaders aeers. 3ept-18-63, 20:4