N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 29 results.
Welfare work
- Welfare workers clan six distriot meetings. N.6-27:12 0.
- Children's bureau sends representatives to study welfare work in this state. N. 15-27:4.
- Raleigh host to welfare meeting. N.27-27:4.
- Welfare work is on larger scale. Jan.l-
- 28:2.
- Mrs. Johnson says roads aid in welfare work. Jan. 8-28:; M.
Welfare work
- Harnett county wants Mrs. Lewis S.7-27:2.
- Miss Lewis resigns as welfare worker. S.8-27:8.
- Miss Lane new firl's officer. S.11-27: 10.
- Home for poor consolidated. 0.11-27:9.
- Clothes wanted fon county poor. 0.18-27 9.
Welfare work
- Welfare heads to mee t Tuesday.
- P- 10, sect. 3 , Feb.6, 192?.
- "Movie masher" goes to roads. Je. 25-27:
- Two bound over in op eration case. Je.2
- 27:5.
- Mrs. Johni son testi fi es in cast of res-
- cue workers. Jl.14- 27 :2.
Welfare work
- Woman taken at officer's home. Je.1-271 13.
- Involve Durham doctor in case. Je.2-27:2.
- Mrs. E.E.Forsytne again arrester. Je. 3-27:9.
- Arrest J.L.Austin for advances to young girl. Je.4-27:2.
Welfare work
- Advisory committee raises fund for ward. p.7, Jan.5, 1927.
- Public welfare meeting toaay. Feb.8-27:3.
- 3ocial service meeting toaay. Feb.9-27; 7.
- Prominent men to speak today. Feb.10-27:14.
- Take stand upon numerous social service matters. Feb.11-27:1.
Welfare work
- Welfare heads hold conferencein
- Winston-Salem, p.3, Dec.4, 1926
- District welfare cxiference t joay. Dec.
- 8-36:14.
- Urege crevention in welfare work.Dec.
- 9-53:14.
- Polish family united in this state Dec
- 12-28:4 seel.
- Advisory 'boerd on negro welfa re meets.
- Jan.4-?7:6.
Welfare work
- Welfare heads hold conference in Winstoi Salem. Ap.17-28:2.
- Welfare dept. holds conviction of Rhem victory of right. May 29-28:12.
- Judge Harris Draiees Wake" welfare work. Je.4-29:14.
- Most welfare officers in state stay on jobs. Jl.2-29:1.
- Buncombe board to stand by its condidate Jl.12-29:13.
Welfare work
- 5f el fare agents hold meeting in Hendersoi S.7-29:8.
- Social v> el fare workers of the Southeast ern district :neet in Fayetteville. H.20-23:5.
- Central district welfare conference meets in Clayton. 0.53-30:4.
- Welfare heads hold conference in Fayetti ville. Mar.21-31:10.
Welfare work
- Boy in hospital after whipping at Wake County detention home. Ap.1-31:10.
- Detention home head is fined for whipping hoy. Ap.3-31:1.
- Changes in state welfare workers. Jl. 11-31:10.
Welfare work
- Welfare meeting held at New Bern. Mar. 25-36:12.
- Mrs. Bost addresses central welfare conference held at Lousiburg. Mar.26-36:10.