Search Results for: (murder hendersonville)

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Displaying 111-120 of 649 results.
Murder trials
  • Raymond Moore gets 20-30 years. F.8-40: Zedikiah Smith convicted." F.9-40:12.
Murder trials
  • Mrs. Carrie Bell Steohenson on trial in nurder case. F.15-40:2.
  • Court sentences trio in Carteret for slaying. Mar.14-40:10.
  • Fort Bragg soldier draws 25 years for slaying sergeant. Mar.20-40:12.
  • Underwood case begins in court. Mar.21-40:2. Mar.23-40:10. Mar.24-40:10 X.
  • Confession read at murder trial of Georg Mlllis. Mar.28-40:5. Mar. 29-40:10.
Murder trials
  • Witness relates knifing of William Henry Monk. Ap.10-40:11.
  • Farm couple face trial here. Ap.11-40:1.
  • Night session required to select jury for Cottens. Ap.12-40:1. 5.
  • Court sentences Walter Creech. Ap.12-40:
  • State end case in trial of Leslie Howell Ap.12-40:IS.
  • Cotten sentenced to die; wife acquitted. Ap.20-40:1.
Murder trials
  • Keeter receives 30 years. May 4-40:5.
  • Willie Haywrood convicted of manslaughter Je.9-40:6.
  • Earle West acquitted. Je.21-4016.
  • William Howard, party murder trial be- \" sub,Murder trials,
Murder trials
  • Unwed mother sentenced for death of infant son. 3.18-40:1.
  • Missing girl found dead, Wilson grocer questioned. S.26-40:1.
  • Doomeatc. man will testify in Duplin murder trial. S.29-40:3.
  • B.F. Stephenson on trial in murder case. 0.1-40:2.
  • Benjamin F. Stephenson freed. 0.2-40:7.
  • Boy tells Jury of kin's murderin trial
  • of James Calton 0.11-40:6.
Murder trials
  • 19. Pitt man found guilty in killing. N.1-4C Mrs. rby Holmes and Tom Melvln arraign
  • ed in Wayne court. N.29-40:5. 40:3. H.Y.Cash on trial for wife's death. D.5-Cotten gets new trial. D.12-40:1. Court declines to free Mrs. Holmes. D.1I
  • 40:12.
  • N.J.Campbell submits at murder trial.
  • Jan.1-41:1. Given 15 months. Jan.5-41:3. Cash convicted. Jan.5-41:2.
Murder trials
  • Hubert Martin gets term In brick murder. Jan.8-41:8.
  • Herbert Russell sentenced for gun assauj Jan.17-41:16.
  • Howell claims self-defense. Jan.22-41:3.
  • Howell draws 30 years. Jan.23-41:1.
  • Melvin says Mrs. Holmes bought death of husband. Jan.24-41:1.
  • J.T. Wallace found guilty. Jan.24-41:3.
  • Howard, Pink Hill youth is freed. Jan. 24-41:10.
Murder trials
  • Mrs. Holmes given life; negro sentenced to die. Jan.25-41:1.
  • Youth's slaying admission admitted at Ki Kinston. Jan.25-41:?.
  • J.T. Wallace sent to Penitentiary for 15 years. Jan.25-41:10.
  • N.M.Minton acquitted. Jan.31-41:3.
  • Jury is selected in Radford trial. F.6-41:1. Sets 30 years. F.8-41:1.
  • Ethan Williams sentenced. F.15-41:5.
Murder trials
  • Witnesses testify negro admitted Windso] killing. F.16-41:6. Guilty. F.19-41:7.
  • Cotten to naive second battle for life. Mar.3-41:10. Receives 30 years. Mar.8-41:1
  • Brantley trial gets under way. Mar.6-41; 14. Draws 30 years sentence. Mar.8-41:1.
  • Braziel gets long term. Mar.12-41:9.
  • John L. Safriet trial in Greensboro. Mar 26-41:11.
  • Trial of Powell started in Lee Mar.27-
  • 41:14. Guilty, at.29-41:2.
  • if
Murder trials
  • Jason Austin gets long term for slaying
  • wife. Ap.5-41:5.
  • Three killers afe sentenced. Ap.ll-41:1( Big crowd hears opening trial of Coble
  • boys in Greensboro. J1.9-41:3. 41:2. Testimony opens in Sutton trial. J1.24-Sutton freed. Jl.30-41:12. 14.
  • Beacham called in Sampson case. Ag.13-43
  • Guilty. Ag.l5-41:2.