N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Economic Forecasting

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. 7-year high predicted for economy in N.C. - Ja 3 84 1D
  2. N.C. stocks painted rosy - Ja 3 84 1D
  3. Economic outlook - Fe 12 84 F
  4. ECU
  5. ECU seeks accreditation review for teacher-education programs - Fe 28 84 12C
  6. Land use fight erupts between ECU, neighbors - Jy 21 84 18C
  7. ECU to vote on what's in a name (Pee Dee the Pirate) - Oc 3 84 1
  8. 'Pee Dee,' Democrats lose in ECU poll - Oc 5 84 4B
  9. Merit scholarships to be given by ECU - Oc 20 84 2C

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N&O Index Card

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