N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Incubators (Entrepreneurs)

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Fledgling firms get roost in RTP to test their wings (N.C. First Flight Center) - Ja 2 92, 3B
  2. Small-business agency buys Durham building; 'Incubator' plans to renovate downtown site - Fe 14 92, 7C
  3. Group to plan for minority business incubator - Jy 16 92, 6C
  4. City mulls incubator proposal - Jy 21 92, 1D
  5. Raleigh's incubator money still in the shell; Council holding on to $75,000 despite 2 proposals - Au 18 92, 1B

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N&O Index Card

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