N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Drdak, Robert Joseph

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. FBI agent (Drdak) injured seriously in wreck - Fe 18 89 3C
  2. Test shows FBI agent (DRDAK) had high alcohol level - Fe 23 89 2C
  3. Study of agent's wreck to be completed soon - Fe 24 89 2C
  4. Prosecutor seeks FBI agent's (DRDAK's) drug tests - Mr 3 89 2C
  5. FBI agent (DRDAK) charged with DWI in accident - Mr 17 89 2C
  6. FBI agent (DRDAK) found guilty of driving impaired - Jn 17 89 2C
  7. Agent's hospital record to be used as evidence - No 15 89 2C
  8. FBI agent (DRDAK) convicted of driving while impaired - No 17 89 2C

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N&O Index Card

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