N&O Index Card

Subject/Name: Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina

Article(s) Referenced In:

  1. Wildlife gets financial boost - Ja 6 85 12B
  2. Wildlife stamps become big business - Ja 13 85 12B
  3. Lake bass allegedly sold; 25 charged in fish case - Ja 17 85 1
  4. Donations from tax refunds raise $218,000 for endangered wildlife - Fe 10 85 34A
  5. Wildlife agency seeks to stem decline among rabbits, quail - Fe 24 85 12B
  6. Under the dome: Martin appointee (Miles) draws fire from sportsmen - Jn 30 85 1
  7. Martin's choice for Wildlife chairman defeated (Wright elected) - Jy 16 85 16A
  8. Committee chairman choices key to harmony of commission - Jy 21 85 14B
  9. Wright set for role as wildlife chairman - Jy 21 85 14B
  10. Commission hopes to expand small-game program - Jy 28 85 2B
  11. 4 tracts along Roanoke River to be preserved for wildlife - Au 20 85 1
  12. Land purchase includes 'mitigation bank' (of future environmental sins by department) - Au 20 85 4A
  13. Editorial: Banking time for DOT - Au 24 85 18A
  14. Bevill's work boost to WRC - Au 25 85 16B
  15. Wildlife Commission OKs fox hunting in 3 counties - No 3 85 17B
  16. Wildlife panel to ignore boat ban to aid eagles - No 26 85 1C
  17. Morganton, Clinton men named to Wildlife Commission positions (Ragland; Adams) - De 8 85 16B

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N&O Index Card

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