N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 1-5 of 5 results.
Household employees
  • Domestics to discuss unionizing. N&O, Oct-30-77, I 11:8
Household employees
  • Employers of domestics hit by unemployment tax. N&O, Jan-17-78, 17:1
  • Rules explained on domestic help. N&O, Jan-18-78, 24:4
  • New taxes due for some April 30. N&O, Apr-25-
  • 78, 30:1
Household Employees
  • A part of the family; Au pairs welcome chance to absorb American culture - Jy 18 90 1D
Household Employees
  • Changing the course of home economics; Suzy Homemaker is no longer the model student - No 17 88 1D
Household Employees
  • Dirty secrets; You'd better come clean: You can't fool the housekeeper - Ma 19 88 1D