N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-20 of 25 results.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Integration of faculty stepped up. N&O, May-31-66, 3:5.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Negro and white pupils fight at Charlotte school. MO, Nov-1-68, 3:7.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Charlotte to consider new proposals for school system revision. N&O, May-21-69, 3:2.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Charlotte board approves desegregation plan calling for busing by consent. N&O, May-22-69, 16:7.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Charlotte's desegregation plan challenged by Negro parents in U. S. District Court. N&O, jun-13-69, 26:5.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Federal court declines to dismiss action against individual Charlotte board members in school integration action. N&O, Jun-17-69, 3:7.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Charlotte - Mecklenburg desegregation school plan rejected by federal court. N&O, Jun-21-69, 14:1.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Black protestors march against integration plan. N&O, Aug-4-69, 3:2.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • City races with time and desegregation. N&O, Feb-1-70, I 1:2.
Education - Integration and segregation - Charlotte
  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools await revamping of pupil assignments. N&O, Feb-3-70, 3:1.