N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-20 of 28 results.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • PTA workshop plans revealed. N&O, Je-19-63, 20:3
  • Institute opened by N. C. PTA. Je-27-63, 3:5 Institute concluded by PTA. Je-28-63, 6:5
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • Dr. Carroll cites need for more cultural projects. N&O, Ap-29-64, 24:6.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • PTA Congress backs UFE legislative program. N&O, May-1-64, 8:5.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • Oldest PTA in Wake County going out of business. N&O, Mar-25-66, 22:8.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • PTA delegates to consider new platform. N&O, Apr-18-66, 3:6.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • State PTA Congress opens meet tonight. N&O, May-3-66, 16:1.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • Mrs. Riley ,. onds oi' Hertford to head N. C. P . , 7-66, 7:1.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • National PTA president, Mrs. Jennelle Moorehead, to speak in Raleigh. N&O, Uct-31-66, 26:3.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • PTA leaders urged to promote PTA goals. N&O, Nov-10-66, 38:4.
Parent-Teachers Association - North Carolina
  • PTa leaders t,old they have responsibility to make use of volunteer members. N&O, Nov-11-66, 5:4.