N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-14 of 14 results.
Poisons and Poisoning
  • Du Pont boss vows to reduce N.C. toxins - Mr 24 91 1F
Poisons and Poisoning
  • Tests reveal radon in dorm at Pope base - Jn 7 88 3C
  • Volunteer firefighters (Level Cross) fume over new toxic-waste duties - Mr 15 88 20C
  • Panels to look for chemical trouble spots - Ap 30 88 10B
  • Law forcing firms to reveal chemical risks - Jy 11 88 1C
Poisons and Poisoning
  • Tar Heel editors speak: Truck fire raises question of warning - Ja 21 90 7J
  • Firms handled millions of pounds of Otto fuel from around world - Se 11 90 7A
  • Institute warns of torpedo fuel's risks; Despite health problems at 2 Caldwell County firms, Navy continues use - Se 11 90 1
  • Parts per quadrillion befuddle experts in deciding what's safe - Se 14 90 2B
Poisons and Poisoning
  • Lead law effective July 1; Act targets prevention of childhood poisoning - Jn 6 90 1B
  • Couple (Ying Ti Lan; Ken Sun) may have been poisoned with arsenic (Charlotte) - Se 21 90 4B