N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 81-90 of 310 results.
Schools - Raleigh
  • Broughton High School teacher quits over retroactive pay cut. N&O, Mar-14-64, 20:2.
Schools - Raleigh
  • Brookhaven school land suit opens. N&O, Apr-8-64, 22:3-
Schools - Raleigh
  • System of charges OKd for use of city schools by nonschool groups. N&O, May-6-64, 24:3.
Schools - Raleigh
  • Schools merger proposed-again. N&O, May-19-64, 22j1.
Schools - Raleigh
  • Raleigh public schools may run short of funds for driver education rrocrrams. N&O, Jun-3-6, 15:?.
Schools - Raleigh
  • 20 negroes apply to white schools. N&O, June-18-64, 32:4.
Schools - Raleigh
  • Four new schools officially named. N&O, July-8-64, 26:3.
Schools - Raleigh
  • 21 negro students transferred to Enloe High School. N&O, July-8-64, 26:6.
Schools - Raleigh
  • School merger study committee named. N&O, Aue-L-hL. 22:1.
  • Aug-4-64, 22:1
Schools - Raleigh
  • Construction cost of Charles B. Aycock Junior High reduced to $1,320,000. N&O, Aug-21-64, 40:3.