N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 151-158 of 158 results.
Capital Punishment
  • Sentence commutation (Stokes) spurs questions - Fe 4 87 1C
  • Capital punishment foes seek to exempt minors - Ap 12 87 38A
  • Muted impact expected for North Carolina inmates (upholding death penalty) - Ap 23 87 4A
  • Editorial: Supreme Court blinks (discrimination in death penalty) - Ap 24 87 18A
  • Ban on death penalty for minors advances - My 6 87 8A
  • Editorial: Ban death penalty for minors - My 10 87 6D
  • House backs limits on capital punishment for minors - My 20 87 12B
  • Bill would bar death penalty for minors - My 22 87 21A
  • House sets age limit for death penalty at 17 - My 23 87 4C
  • Ban on executing minors backed - Jy 8 87 10A
  • Bill would nullify death penalty of Robeson man (Brown) - Jy 15 87 5A
  • Senate adds protection for 18-year-olds in measure to limit capital punishment - Jy 16 87 17A
  • Death penalty for minors debated - Jy 17 87 16A
  • Death penalty bill for minors questioned - Jy 18 87 4C
  • Senate stalls death bill - Jy 19 87 27A
  • Bill on death penalty for minors revised after winning early support - Jy 22 87 11B
  • Senate OKs death penalty ban for minors - Jy 24 87 10A
  • Death penalty changed - Jy 26 87 29A
  • State to end death sentences for killers under 17 - Jy 29 87 14A
  • Competency reversal could mean death penalty (for Moye) - Jy 31 87 2D
  • Should the state ever have right to take a life? - Au 9 87 1D
  • Judge postpones execution Monday (Boyd) - Au 12 87 3C
  • Convicted slayer (Williams) gets 4th stay of execution - Oc 20 87 2C
Capital Punishment
  • Work to end death penalty nets N.C. native (Ingle) Nobel nomination - Ja 7 88 20A
  • Retrial set for man (Brown) 15 at time of killing - Fe 4 88 9B
  • High court refuses to stay execution (of Gardner) - Fe 5 88 22C
  • Attorneys say jury's death sentence caused by fear of parole for killer (Quesinberry) - Fe 14 88 41A
  • GRAY given death penalty - Ap 13 88 3C
  • Death Row inmates' attorneys pay toll, panel says - Ap 15 88 24C
  • State ACLU seeks to show backing of bill on racial bias in death penalty - Ap 24 88 41A
  • Alamance jury to weigh fate of convicted killer (Barts) - Ap 27 88 2C
  • Court ruling may be felt on death row in N.C. - Jn 11 88 1C
  • U.S. Supreme lets stand N.C. death-row cases - Jn 14 88 4C
  • Court to review death-penalty sentencing - Jn 15 88 11A
  • N.C. high court to review death-penalty sentencing - Jn 15 88 1C
  • Editorial: Powell vs. death penalty - Au 12 88 14A
  • Facing death sentence, man (BROWN) to get new hearing - Au 20 88 2C
  • State's high court hears arguments on death penalty - Au 23 88 2C
  • State court rules death sentences (for McLaughlin and McKoy) still stand - Se 8 88 2C
  • Editorial: Saying 'yes' to votes (on death penalty for drug related murders) - Se 15 88 14A
  • Death sentence case (LLOYD) sent back to state court - Oc 5 88 1C
  • U.S. Supreme Court asked to invalidate N.C. death sentence - No 30 88 3C
  • Death row inmate (Gladden) gets new hearing - De 13 88 2C
  • 2 cases (COULTHARD; HIGHTOWER) show death penalty given arbitrarily, some say - De 19 88 2C
  • Editorial: Hazy standard for death - De 23 88 18A
Capital Punishment
  • Official says ruling may end appeals logjam - My 6 86 8B
  • Officials say N.C. complies with ruling (that bars execution of insane) - Jn 28 86 WA-1
  • Editorial: Death penalty's loaded dice - Au 29 86 22A
  • Under the dome: GOP may push death penalty issue more - Oc 4 86 1
  • Death-row attorneys see work as last stand for a life - Oc 12 86 47A
  • Exum opinion in Rook case criticized; Billings supporter on 2-day tour to discuss Exum on death
  • penalty - Oc 23 86 4C
Capital Punishment
  • Pay for death penalty or end it, lawyer says - Fe 3 90 4B
  • N.C. death row process invalidated (McKOY case) - Mr 6 90 1
  • People on Death Row (Chart) - Mr 6 90 7A
  • Costly repercussions expected from Death Row ruling - Mr 7 90 1
  • Editorial: Wanted: life and no parole - Mr 8 90 18A
  • Court death ruling brings cheers, grief; Legislators may look at N.C. law in May - Mr 11 90 1C
  • Tar Heel editors speak: Death penalty revisited - Mr 11 90 7J
  • 11 death row cases returned to N.C. court - Mr 20 90 4B
  • N.C. high court seeks briefs on sentencing - Ap 4 90 5B
  • Judge (Bowen) orders study of death penalty use - Ap 17 90 4B
  • Death penalty ruling argued before court - My 15 90 1B
  • Editorial: Wrong fix for death penalty - My 18 90 14A
  • Legislature reconvenes amid protests; Teachers denounce cuts; death penalty criticized - My 22 90 1
  • Editorial: Another jolt to justice - My 23 90 16A
  • Lawmakers from N.C. traveling to W. Germany, Central America (& Helms on capital punishment) - My 27 90 1C
  • Case-by-case death sentence reviews set; State high court says law is valid - Jy 27 90 1B
  • State high court orders hearings for 4 killers - Au 30 90 2B
  • Death-row inmate gains new sentencing hearing - Oc 4 90 3B
  • Tar Heel editors speak: Primitive ritual renewed - No 25 90 7J
  • Common bonds link sisterhood on death row - De 2 90 1
  • Women on death row (Chart) - De 2 90 1
  • Point of view: A livable alternative to death penalty - De 15 90 17A
Capital Punishment
  • Execution date set for convict (McDowell) - Ja 29 85 2C
  • Execution date for Clayton man (Rook) to be set Monday in Wake court - Ap 28 85 34A
  • Lawmakers propose two capital punishment measures (exempting minors) - My 18 85 5B
  • System sustains a death row, ex-inmate says - Jn 2 85 37A
  • General Assembly Round-up: Execution dates (to speed up) - Jn 12 85 WA-1
  • Support voiced for bills abolishing death penalties - Jn 12 85 17A
  • Judge rules previous conviction (Clark) justifies seeking death penalty - Jn 15 85 8A
  • Panel takes no action on death penalty bill (minors) - Jn 19 85 4C
  • General Assembly Round-up: Death penalty (banned for defendants under 16) - Jn 27 85 9B
  • Panel defeats bill to ban death penalty for youths - Jy 12 85 8C
  • Group trying to organize anti-death penalty effort - Au 13 85 16C
  • Death penalty law 'discriminatory,' advocate says - Se 16 85 7A
  • Judges, prosecutors gain role in death decisions - Se 16 85 1
  • Sentencing-only juries are more likely to order death - Se 23 85 1C
  • Inmate (Noland) who said he wanted execution now wants death sentence overturned - No 17 85 36A
Capital Punishment
  • Point of view: Capital punishment offers retribution, not wisdom - Oc 13 91 7J
  • State executions expected to occur more frequently - Oc 19 91 1
  • Editorial: A life-or-death warning - De 6 91 20A
  • Age limit for judges is upheld; High court rules against Phillips (also filling vacancies; capital
  • punishment) - De 7 91 4B
  • Clemency asked for killer (MAYNARD) set to die Jan. 17; Attorneys want Martin to keep reasons
  • secret - De 14 91 1B
Capital Punishment
  • Death penalty cases could clog Wake court system - Ja 25 91 1B
  • Editorial: - The 'right thing' in Virginia - Fe 23 91 10A
  • Editorial: - Court at the switch - Jn 29 91 12A
  • Death looms for man near end of appeals; Inmate could be first executed in 5 years - Au 4 91 1
  • Executions since 1977 - (Chart) - Au 4 91 1
  • Editorial: - The death-chamber railroad - Se 30 81 8A
  • 4 on death row to be resentenced on basis of ruling - Oc 4 91 5B
  • 79
Capital Punishment
  • Suit to allow death penalty protest unnecessary, Appeals Court rules - Fe 8 89 16C
  • New death penalty factors discussed - Fe 10 89 11A
  • Supreme Court to review N.C. death sentence (McCOY) - Fe 22 89 3C
  • Senate panel to review death penalty bill - Fe 24 89 14A
  • Judge recommends death penalty for man (Heatwole) - Fe 25 89 2C
  • Bill would keep some off of death row (mentally handicapped or mentally ill) - Ap 1 89 15A
  • N.C. case (McKOY) challenging validity of death penalty - Ap 26 89 18C
  • Debate begins on bill to ban death penalty for mentally ill - My 4 89 27A
  • Innocence and the death penalty - My 7 89 1D
  • Panel rejects bill banning death penalty for retarded - My 10 89 9A
  • Editorial: When the error is final - My 14 89 6D
  • Not all death row inmates entitled to free lawyers, high court rules - Jn 24 89 5A
  • Court allows death penalty for juveniles - Jn 27 89 1
  • Editorial: The high court be not proud - Jn 28 89 14A
  • Death penalty for retarded to be fought - Jy 27 89 9A
  • Tar Heel of the week: A passionate foe of the death penalty, in court and out - Au 27 89 3D
  • Exonerated man (Hennis) calls death penalty wrong - Se 5 89 14C
  • High court to weigh N.C. law; McKOY case a test for death penalty verdicts - Oc 8 89 1
  • High court gives no hints on N.C. death penalty law - Oc 11 89 1C
  • Christians to battle executions; Church council seeks to end state penalty - No 4 89 8D
  • Wake's civil lawyers asked to aid indigents in death-penalty cases No 8 89 6C