N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 17 results.
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Uniform echool system is urged. Se.l9-32:3.
- Asks change in public school system. N.19-32:6.
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Succeeds Allen as Superintendent of Public instruction. 0.24-34:1.
- Great task (ed.) 0.25-34:4. Would adopt curriculum to needs of new world. 0.25-34:11.
- In"TTnder the dome". 0.25-34:16. Discusses school theories. N.2-34:16.
- Discusses school program. N.21-34:10. Addressee Southeastern Teachers convention at Fayetteyille. N. 25-34: 9.
- ?vjjl
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Discusses school program in Chaple Hill Jan.19-35:3.
- Tells of children's need at Kinston speech. F. 10-35: 3 M.
- Asserts 22 millions minimum for schools Mar.14-358.
- Discusses new school law. Je.?0-35:5.
- Protests PWA wage rule. Je.?l-35:3.
- Promotions show better schools. Je.30-35:1 M.
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Call libraries aid to schools. N.7-35:8 Urges local aid for city schools. F.ll-36:2.
- Pleads for forgotten child. F.30-36:5.
- Industrial education advances during year. F.38-36:14.
- State ranke low in school costs. Mar.6-36:8.
- Asks dual financing. Mar. 14-36:7.
- #
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Looks into U.S. school aid. D.12-34:7. Foresees 1? grade school. J1.9-35:3.
- Birth rate drop shown in school. Ag.9-35:7.
- On rental of textbooks. Ag.16-35:2.
- Evangel. Ag. 17-35:1.
- Better schools urged. D.17-35:9. Proposes central hoard for school admin istration. D.21-35:14. Candidate for reelection. Ap.17-36:20.
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Addresses Bladen auoience. May 7-36:2.
- Thinks schools too much centralized. Je. 3-36:12. Old year saw school revival. Jan.3-37:1 C
- School head prophesies "Teacher crisis" coming. Jan.21-37:8.
- Dix point program (Ed.) Je.25-37:4.
- Calls for study of schools. 0.30-37:8.
- Says curriculum needs expansion. N.23-37: IS.
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Is heard I y Laurinburg group. F.5-38:3.
- To ask increase for teachers of state. 0.20-38:1.
- Gadabout. 0.25-38:1.
- Addresses Elm City seniors. May 10-39:14 Points our low wages paid state's teachers. Ag.8-39:5.
- Soeflks at Hnrnett bnncmet. F.12-40:10.
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Files. Mar.14-40:1.
- Rural school needs discussed by Erwin in Lumberton. Mar.24-40:3.
- Erwin Is speaker at Wilson finals. May 30-40: 12.
- Points our peril to schools. Ag.10-40:5. Pupils to hear a bout democracy. Ag.24-40:5.
- Addresses Shaw graduates. Ag#o4_4Q.5
Erwin, Clyde A.
- Hits at U.S. radicals. S.13-40:9. Sees need for higher wage. 0.1-40:14. Asks for oay raises for teachers, principals. N.9-40:1.
- Record. D.3-40:1. 12.
- Cease debunking Erwin counsels. F.22-41: Pral es A ly' work. Mar.20-41:14.
- Depicts future for youth in America. Ap, 12-41:2.