N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 11 results.
Farm Security Administration
- Name committees for FSA program. D.23-31/ 16.
- Guilford farmer to get first land, purchase loan. Ap.17-38:1.
- State get more for tenant loans. Je.28-38:16. 8.
- Land use office completes move. Jl.1-38:
- FSA committees named for state. Ag.14-38:8.
Farm Security Administration
- Will expand Halifax program. D.10-38:1.
- Region head, G.S. Mitchell, gains promotion. Jan.31-39:1.
- Carter family faces future confidently with FSA mules. Ap.2-39:13 M.
Farm Security Administration
- Tar Heel farms share FSA loans. Ap.27-39:5. 12.
- ESA loan fund to cover state. Jl.15-39:
- Holders of FSA loans pay back $4,000, OCX
- Ap.5-40:5. 40:5.
- First Wilson farmer gets FSA loan. Ap.7
- E.M.Estes named FSA debt chief. May 5-
- 40 2.
- F"arm Security quarters going to State
- College. May 29-40: 1.
Farm Security Administration
- Rural borrowers paying uo oromotly. Ag. 2-40:16.
- Poverty in rural areas brings migrant workers. N.29-40:22. 14.
- FSA chief cites post-war plans. 0.23-41:
- Attack. Mar.8-42:1.
- FSA official cautions personnel on car use. M?y 16-42:9.
- FSAKreraployes in war. Ag.20-42:10. Swotchover. Ag.23-42:1.
Farm Security Administration
- Farm production highlights meet of N.C. Frrm Security workers. Ag.29-42:2. 42:10
- Gordon sees need for farm changes. Se.3-
- Farm families will be moved. ET. 16-42:12.
- Employes here have bond party. May 8-43: 5.
- FSA districts slashed from twelve to four. May 13-43:3.
- Chatham aegro sets ".ark with five year payment. 0.8-43:9.
Farm Security Administration
- 43:1.
- Cooley investigating FSA returns. 0.17-
- FSA supervisors conduct meet here. N.4-43:3.
- Figures. N.23-43:1.
- Cooley says his actives ?bout FSA misunderstood. D.19-43:1.
- J.B.31ack regional chief. Jan.6-44:8. 6.
- Family honored at Warren meet. Jan.9-44:
- Wayne FSA families show their products. F.4-44:12.
Farm Security Administration
- Wake FSA holds meeting today. F.9-44:3.
- Leaders salute "Little farmers8. Mar.5-44:7.
- Cooley has surprise for Edward A, O'Neal. Mar.26-44:1. 44:12.
- FSA supervisors hold conference. M?r.28-
- Helping farmers (ed. based on Rep.Cooley article "Sense and Nonsense In helping Farmes" in May Readers Digest) Mul-44:4.
- Rep. Cooley's committee reports to House on it invest igati of FSA. Kay 14-44:1.
Farm Security Administration
- Neme unimportant (ed.) May 15-44:4. Director: speaks at FSA meeting. May 26-44:18.
- Differences. May 28-44:1. Aids negro family. Je.12-44:8. However; Opposed. Jl.9-44:1. Consolidations. Ag.17-44:5. Transfusions. Ag.20-44:1. 10. Slack discusses farm purchases. S.9-44 Is disposing of project land. S.10-44:16
Farm Security Administration
- Importance. S.17-44:1.
- FSA loan aids family in Nash. N.20-44:8. FSA office here to have nev; site. J1.3-45:10. 45:2.
- FSA supervisors open conference. J1.18-
- FSA chief urges better direction. J1.19-45:12.
- Plans sales of two projects. Ag.4-45:10.
- Officials of FSA address meeting. 0.9-45:2.