N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 47 results.
- Ben Franklin started teacher on rare X hobby. D.11-38:1 M.
- Collection of smallest objects in world reoresents almost every corner of the globe. F.16-36:1 X.
- Hobbies of Carolinians chronicled by Burdick. Jl.13-40:2. S M.
- Queer pitchers unique hobby. Jan.26-41:
- Lots of people do it: this professor collects pencils. P.23-41:1 M.
- Hickory woman collects pitchers. Aug. 25-1+6: 7.
- 0. N. Riflh turned hobby into a $100,000 business. Aug. 3-7: 1-IV.
- Loss of arm brings him role In movie.
- Nov. l6-7: K
- Belhaven woman volues odd Items for stories they represent. Dec. 7-7: 2-IV.
- Hobby f collecting celeries has become almost business to Dr. W. P. Jacocks. Feb. 15-tJ-g: Ik.
- He just liked to carve horses.
- May 23-lj-g: H-.
- Gan collector acquires arsenal.
- Jly. 4-l: 5-11. Tarboro man starts his own museum.
- Jly. ll-l-g: 3-IV.
- J. D. Ray's hobby keeps children happy. Aug. 22-ii-g: 2-r\
- He breeds rare fish and birds. (Al Mllman) Aug. 29-: g-IV.
- Ninety year old, John Ford, " has made 500 ship models. 5ept. 19-13 6-IV.
- Retired mailman collects many clocks. Sept. 27-2: 16.
- Pitt girl's hobby to become book. Nov. lg-ll-g: 6.
- Railroad man's son models trains. Feb. 25-19: 20.
- Preacher collects pencils as hobby. May g-9: 2-IV.
- Trains still fascinate him. Je. 26-9! 13-IV.
- fish iures and art fascinate William H. Riggan of Warrenton. Mar. 26-50'3-IV.
- Shipping clerk takes Fair prizes with products of his crocheting hobby. Mar. 27-50: 7.
- Hobbies that prove interesting and wortt while provide diversion from actualities of the'present. 0.19-41:1 X.
- Raleigh woman collects elephants and pit chere. Jl.19-42:1 X.
- Raleigh woman tells of collection of old slippers. Se.13-42:1 X.