N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 11 results.
Porter, William Sydney, 1862-1910
- 0.Henry's daughter dead in California. May 11-27:2.
- Unveil tablet to story writer. Ag.29-27:2.
- New O.Henry storv appears. J1.8-?8:l M.
- 0.Henry cottage shrine for visitors in Austin. F.10-29:1 M.
- Robert E.Dalton denies O.Henry ever kil] ed a man. May 15-32:9 X.
Porter, William Sydney, 1862-1910
- "In my opinion". 0.5-34:4.
- Name of O.Henry grows brighter. May 15-33:1 M.
- 0. North Carolina, (ed.) Sept.18-38:4 M.
- Henderson gives 0. Henry praise in address at presentation of portrait to Green sboro. Library. Sept. 28-39: 2.
- 0. Henry relics guarded carefully by Texas land office. Sept. 28-41: 3 M.
Porter, William Sydney, 1862-1910
- Greensboro dedicates memorial Henry and Vicks' Founder. Sept. 3-iv. to 0. iij~i<-7:
Porter, William Sydney, 1862-1910
- 0. Henry survives as most oooular write: of short stories of generation in America. N.6-27:6.
Porter, William Sydney, 1862-1910
- Porter,Willtaa Sidney. Macadam,George.
- 0'Hnry' only autobiography.
- N&O. Aug.13,1922. p.20.
Porter, William Sydney, 1862-1910
- O.Henry as his brother knew him. May 18-29:10; May 19-29:10 M.
- Brother of 0. Henry defends his father from biographers. Sept. 10-33: 7.