N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 50 results.
- Dry agents start on 3 aay school. Mar. 13-28:22.
- Federal prohibition men airest 25 in raid in Raleigh, liar.16-28:1.
- Officers widen rum raid scope. Mar.17-28:1.
- prohibition in N.C. getting better. F. 21-31:1.
- In defense of American youth (Ad.; Ap. 19-31:4
- Rockefeller change (ed.) Je.8-32:4.
- Against prohibition by J.G.Mehegan. Je. 28-32:4.
- Dr. A.D. Wilcox declares repeal means ob livion. Jl.11-32:6.
- One thing is certain, (ed.) Ag.10-32:4.
- "My God Abernethy" (ed.) As?. 13-32:4. Upahaw makes his election statement. N. 7-32:5.
- Three Tar Heel Episcopal ministers rap prohibition. Ag.21-28:1.
- Editor Avery tenders all the facts aboul his fumrunnigg story. Se.1-26:10.
- Over score arrested in federal raid in Wilson. Se.9-28:1.
- Many arrests in eastern raids. Se.26-28:2.
- i
- Dry democrats meet to oppose Smith's election. Jl.19-28:1. n
- Vote for Hoover dry conference tells the South. Jl.20-28:1.
- Roswell Pace saoree Gannon proposal. Jl.24-28:5.
- Drji leaders to meet in Raleigh. J1.29-28:2.
- Nab 21 in Selma raids. Ag.12-28:1.
- Hartness calls special meeting for Flyin Squadron. F.1-32:5. F.9-32: 2;
- Allied citizens to be organized. F.10-32:7.
- Flying squadron begins campaign for vto-hibition. F.12-32:1.
- One wore vote behind us (ed.) Mar.19-32:4.
- Paper's mistake causes furore. Ap.10-32:5 X.
- Attorney General says prohibition in state has been very beneficial. Ap.27-30:2.
- Southen clergy ignored in Literary Digest straw vote on liauor. May 3-30:1.
- lachers dry, lawyers wet in Digest poll. ay 4-30:11.
- U.S. Prohibition agent killed by rumrunner. Je.18-30:1; Je.23-30:1.
- Dry forces hold conference in Greensboro under the sponsership of the Anti Saloon league. Se.14-32:2.
- One or mor prohibition votes in state certain. F.22-33:1.
- J.E. Edgerton, native Tar Heel, for pro hibition. Mar.27-33:10.
- Dry forces ask delay in reneal from legislature. May ?-3?:7.
- 3uv drv movement started in West Raleigh May 3-33:8.
- Dry gird for battle against reneal. May 25-33:1.
- Prohibitonists organize to repeat victory of 1908. May 26-33:1.
- No help need, (ed.) Je.3-33:4.
- Drys are ready for stiff fight. Je. 23-33:1.
- Constitution of Drys. Je.?3-33:5.
- United dry forces lay intensive campaign ulan. Jl.12-33:1.