N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 15 results.
State Attorney General
- Brummitt 7. Brummitt 2. Brummitt rules on tax queries. S.30- 27:
- names Siler assistant. 0.6-
- has up electrocutions. D.7- 27:
- 14.
- egielat1 jre makes Attorney full time jot
- Jan.11-29: 3.
- Not his job to Drosecite MCNinch, says
- Brummitt. Ag. 11-29:10. 0.
- '
State Attorney General
- State Attorney General.
- A.A.F. Seawell named Attorney General. Jan.17-35:1.
- John W.Aiken named as assistant attorne; general. F.9-35:1?.
State Attorney General
- Seawell names Wettach as aid. Mar 29-
- 38:7.
- Lawyers. Mar.30-38:1.
- Wettach' s term to begin July 1. Mar.30-
- 38:2.
- Harry McMullen appointe d attorney gener-
- al. Ap.2S- 38:1.
- Lee Overman Gregory get assis tant Editor-
- ney general post. May 13- 38:20.
State Attorney General
- Grepory assumes new state position. May 31-33:11. McMullen rules must nay taxes where thej vote. Jan.9-40:14.
- Theatre "hnnk nights" are still illeg 3 P.20-40:2. I2f
- Counselled care on foreclosures. F.21-4C
- li'Mullan flays money lenders. F.22-40:10
- jBolitical sound trucks aporoved. F.22-41 14.
State Attorney General
- Some food stamps liable for Bales tax, others not, ruled attorney general. Mar.2-40:3.
- State asks help for sovereignty. Mar. 20-40:3.
- M8Mullan rules on filing fees. Ap.6-40:5
- If officer wants help, it's wise to help him. Ap.12-40:16.
- "Grandfather clause" survives vote reform. Ap.26-40:11.
State Attorney General
- Dual office holding is subject of ruling May 10-40:16. 18.
- Statutes forbid dual town jobs. 0.24-40:
- M'Mullan makes Hatch act rule. N.25-40:I
- M'Mullan rules on alcohol case. D.5-40: 16.
- Mortgages won't hold on rum-running cars Jan.15-41:10.
- Ruling outlines car tag system; other
- rulings. Ap.25-41:24.
State Attorney General
- Rules on many Issues. May 5-41:12.
- W.J.Adams apoo'nted assistant attorney general. 0.21-41:1.
- Bank night illegal under lottery law. Se 4-41:21. 13.
- M'Mullan rules on cities power. Jan.9-42
- Rules on holding two offices. Se.19-42:1
- Prisoners can't aid farm labor. Se.29-42 14.
State Attorney General
- No strings attached to gift of cannon on Capitol Square. 0.30-42:6.
- Servic leaves given approval. D.4-42:5.
- M'Mullan issues rulings on laws. D.17-42 18. 10.
- M'Mullan ives rulings on laws. D.23-42: Jan.9-43:12. 13-43:10.
- Give ruling on laws present in Feb. Mar.
- M8Mullan gives rulings on laws. Mar.27-
- 43:10. Ap.17-43:10.
State Attorney General
- 9.
- M'Mullan gives rulings on laws. Ap.20-43
- Ruling on the requirements on the statutes as to reserves. Ap.21-43:10.
- Ruling on powerscgranted to Gov. under the Emergency Power Act. Ap.21-43:10.
- Givings rulings on laws. May 12-43:14. May 22-43:3. Je.12-43:10. Je.17-43:3.
- Explains laws on vagrants and tramps.
- Jl.1-43:5.
- Gives ruling on laws. Jl.14-43:5. Jl.17-43:10.
State Attorney General
- Inauiries about his recent opinion declaring that municipalities have no legal right to adopt curfew laws- Ag.25-43:1.
- Gives ruling on laws. Se.9-43:17. Se.29-43:14. 0.20-43:14. D.9-43:16. D.14-43:2. Jen.1-44:12. F.18-44:7. F.21-44:10. Mar.3 44:12.
- Asked by Guilford county whether a count ty tax supervisor xiiould pccept checks & charge county with bank exchange. Mar.27-44:17