N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 116 results.
Strikes and lockouts
- Loray division of the iianvjJenckes cornea; Grastonia strike; Grovjforder
- out trooDB. Ap.3-29:1; Ap.4-?9:l; Ap.S-5
- ~ !l.
- Exrect develooments in mill strike Mon-. Ap.7-29:1.
- ist claiTvE strikes rvea.l need of ne labor la. Ap.10-29:1.
- Gastonia strike thought to he near end, -1. jt
Strikes and lockouts
- Three additional strikes in Bessemer City. Ap. 25-29:1-
- Grand jury fails to fix "blame in Gaston-la crime. May 1-29:1.
- Strike launched by electricians in Winston-Salem. May 2-29:2.
- Gov. offers reward of #400 for the apor< hension and conviction of those who were
- responsible for destruction of headouarte: at Gastonia. May 14-29:1.
Strikes and lockouts
- Textile war to reach congress. Ad.12-29:1.
- Masked men tear down strike headquarteri in Gaetonia; Ellen Dawson, strike organizer, seized. Ap.19-29:l;Ap.20-29:1.
- Gardner denounces mob occurrence at Gas-tonia. Ao.-1-29:1.
- Street narade at Gastonia stopped. Ap. 23-29:1.
Strikes and lockouts
- Over three thousand on strike in N.C. Se.1-32:1.
- Launch move to end mill strike. Se.4-32:1.
- Strikers to have grout) meetings. Se.15-32:1.
- Most of strikers at Winston-Salem go back to work. Se.17-32:1.
- Textile strike spotligh still turned on governor. Se.26-32:1.
Strikes and lockouts
- Not necessary (ed.) Ap.1-41:4. 36:3. Strike situation still unchanged. J1.4-American problem (ed.) Je.10-41:4.
- Judge Stevens scores strikes In emergency. Se.5-41:23.
Strikes and lockouts
- 2. Bureau releasee data on strikes. S.11-45 4,000 workers idle in Carollnas strikes. S.30-45:5. 45:15.
- Carollnas facing strike extension. 0.5-State unemployment compensation laws bar aid to strikers. N.26-45:12.
- Industrial peace again. F. 24-46: 4.(Ed Low strike rate shown by N.C. abor last year. Jan. 9-47; 7.
Strikes and lockouts
- Governor Cherry reveals effort to end telephone strike in South.
- V-." 21-7: 1. More N.C. -Hnone workers Returning to
- their jobs. May S-k-7' 17.
- Only 625 of lJ-,700 telephone em-nloyes
- still out. May 13-7: 12.
- Kendall checks on strike issue.
- May 25-7: 12.
Strikes and lockouts
- Racial and -political issues constitute nowderkegs under surface of Reynolds strike in Winston-Salem. May 25-47? 1-IV.
- Patrolmen escort trucks from strikebound terminal to Charlotte office. Je. 19-47: 3.
- Strike hits Wilson Quarry. Sept. 9-48: 22.
- Union resists attempts to seize houses of quarry workers at Sims. Sept. 11-48:2.
Strikes and lockouts
- Patrol's help in Strike refused. Je. 22-4-9 1.
- Tarboro editor tells Union he'll halt Strike editorials. Je. 26-4-9 : 1.
- Hearing delayed in strike action. Aug. 14-59: 1.
- Mayors' of "Charlotte, Gastonia, Hickory ask Scott's coal-strike help. Oct. 27-4-Q: 2g.
Strikes and lockouts
- Scott to transmit coal letters to Washington. Oct. 2$-ko: 36.
- CIO calls AFL strike at Enka Corporation fraud. Oct. 30-9: 5.
- Truce may be extended 60 days in Charlotte Bus strike. Feb. 28-50= 6.
- Duke Bus Company strike postponed. Mar. 2-50: 12.
- Strike on Southern Rai lroad brings immediate effects in State. May 11-50: 1.