N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 175 results.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Law school gets Battle portrait. p.12, Feb.9, 1927.
- Glee club to tour Europe. F.20-27:8 sec.'6.
- Want retrial of suspension case. Mar. 10-27:10; Mar.ll-?7:1.
- Log book shows students weak. Har.13-27:1 pec.0.
- Sidney Chaprell leads warfare on studen' gambling. Far.13-27:1 seel.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Rare tomes for Carolina library.
- p.3, sect.4, Dec.19, 1926, Conduct foreign stidy tour. D.20-26:10 Name winner of Holt scholarships. Jan. 21-27:3.
- Honor Hume by donating cup. Jan.?0-27: ? eec.4.
- To-eds get out newPTianpr. Jan.31-27:10 Dedicate portrait of Judge William Battle. F.5-27:5 sec.4.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Seventy five years ago at the state University. Ag.26-28:4 0.
- Four corners of earth meeting at University. Se.30-28:1 M.
- Singers named at University. 0.7-28:6.
- Carolina alumni meet tomorrow. 0.11-28: 4; To celebrate birthday. 0.11-28:8.
- Robert K. Lathan makes Anniversary address. 0.13-28:10.
- Students hear Sen. Cox. 0.24-28:13.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Blindness no handicap to five Carolina men. Jan.29-28:1 M.
- Completing plans for new library; Law library receives $10,000 gift. Jan.31-28:5.
- Influence of the University (ea.) F.6-28:4.
- Reverie by University student (ed. ) F. 7-28:4.
- Dr. Whaling is M'Kair speaker. F.7-28:10.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Heed call of sPiritual, Dr. Chase tells students. S.24-27:8.
- Many at University ourside N.C. S.25-27:7 M.
- N.C. Law school formally opens. S.29-27: 2.
- Ninety one enroll for doctor's degree. 0.2-27:3.
- Plans completed for founders's day. 0. 9-27:5 0.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- D.L.Grant takes up new work at the'Uni-
- versity. 0.20-27:9;
- FratB receive record number. 0.24-27:2.
- Radiant Christ Poteat theme. 0.25-27:5.
- Organizing UNC elumni in the north.
- 0.29-27:5.
- How University Y aid students. N.13-27:
- 1 M.
- Carolina dedicate new stadium. N.23-27:
- 1 0. N.25-27:1.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Carolina sends out class of 317 in 132d closing. Je.7-27:1.
- Degrees given at University. Je.7-27:5.
- Admit women to U.N.C. faculty. Je.7-27: 9.
- Announces gifts for University. Je.8-27:2.
- Annual honors W.R. Kenan, Jr. Je.12-27: 3.
- Women to 'be on H.N.C. faculty. Je.19-
- 27:8.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Consider "building need at Carolina. May 17-27:2.
- Dr. W.W.Pierson sees a field for graduate school. May 19-27:3.
- Impeached man follows Benton. May 19-27:7.
- Law school day at University. May 20-
- 27:4.
- Grant quits as alumni officer. May 27-27:9.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Finals speakers men of Eminence. Je.4-27:3.
- Elect M'Cormick law school dean. Je.5-27:1.
- Commencement brings throng to Chapel Hill. Je.6-27:5.
- Dr. Moss declares world sound at heart. Je.6-27:9.
- Rev. William A Jenkins talks on use of Bible. Je.6-27:10.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- High praise is given university paper, p.8, Dec.17, 1926.
- Would honor name of Mrs. Spencer "by naming Woman's building Soencer Building. May 59-27:2.
- Carolina finals to begin Friday. May 2S 27:9.
- Mny nominated for Grant's job. Je.3-27:17.
- Carolina finals get under way. Je.4-27:1.